Friday, February 24, 2012

High Five for Friday

I love to read other blogs and one of the bloggers that I follow does a "High Five for Friday" and posts five important or memorable things that has happened during the week!  I love this because I am horrible at remembering things especially since having children so I'm really excited about starting!

So here we go...

1. My husband is alive!!!!!  After a wild Saturday of confusion my husband perfectly fine, healthy and doing well!

2. Carter went pee pee in the pottie!  He only did it that one time and has refused ever since, but we have to celebrate every little step towards the end goal right???

3. The weather was amazing this week and I wish it could stay this way all year long!  Because of this wonderful weather and I was feeling extra grateful for my husband this week I pulled all of the weeds out of our flower beds!  This is a major accomplishment for me :) and Brian was so appreciative!

4. Had a little midnight recycle bin collection to help a class in need!  Had a blast!!!

5. Found a great kids consignment store named Hand Me Downs off Bacons Bridge Rd. My girlfriend Misty and I stopped in and found some great deals!  The owner was so so sweet and she even gave Carter a little cup of cheerios to eat to keep him entertained! We have decided to make this a weekly event!

My New Addiction

Its Birchbox
 From the moment my mother gave me permission to play with makeup until today I have loved every minute of it!  I love to find a new shade, lotion, polish, mascara that looks great and I feel like I can't live without.  My dilemma is that makeup can be so expensive and way to many times I have tried something and it looks horrible on me.  So I have found my solution... Its Birchbox!!!  You sign up at and for $10 a month you recieve 4-5 really nice beauty samples!  I seriously have loved everything I have received!  I love getting gifts and although its not my number 1 love language I know it has to be high up there :) and this hits the spot!  I look forward to it arriving each month!

What we do for our children

The things you do for you children!  So this week is Dental Health Awareness week at Caleb's preschool.  They are doing a project and the teacher asked each parent to bring in an egg carton and an empty 2 liter bottle!  When I spoke to her earlier in the week she didn't think she would get enough supplies so most likely they couldn't do their project.  For some reason that absolutely broke my heart!  So that night my brothers girlfriend McKenna and myself went on a 2 liter bottle search!  Around midnight we took off around the neighborhood and went digging through recycling bins to help our teachers and children in need!  It really turned out to be so much fun and a little frightening all at the same time.  I think we spent more time washing the bottles and we did collecting them!  Cant wait to see the final result when the project is complete!  The teacher was so appreciative that she had the class make me a sweet poster board to thank me!
It just made my day!!!!!